Does the Volcanic Warriors still exist?

“Does the Volcanic Warriors still exist?”

These words have been the common question to many admirers, lovers, historians, those who lived its creative moments and those who saw this great monument emerge over time.

The Volcanic Warriors Basketball Academy now the Volcanic Warriors Sports and Recreational Academy has its roots since 1992 from the name Florissima Basketball Club. It has served the purpose of reviving basketball in Buea and the South West Region in general bringing a new breed of basketball in Cameroon in particular over time with it products flourishing worldwide in different spheres of life.

In reference with the feedback from prominent alumni from this organization we realised we did not train basketball players rather nurtured and guided young persons to meet global challenges.

From the above premise, time has seen its modification, transformation and the metamorphoses of this unique organization to a greater entity that is impacting generations of Cameroonian children, youths, adults (Parents) and the elderly people: better-still impacting families and assisting to hold tight these institutions.

From a mere basketball club, the Volcanic Warriors Sports and Recreational Academy runs now has a Children’s talent ignition, development and improvement program that engages children from the ages of 2 (two) years old in multi – sports (like gymnastics, athletics, tennis, table tennis, football, basketball) activities and benefits alongside involving the children in cultural and artistic entrepreneurship (including music, dance, musical instruments, catering). It has also developed a special physical activity for adults and elderly persons. This helps them to catch up with physical exercises through fun and simple repetitions. This is mostly practiced in Associations, church groups and meetings. Today it’s growing bigger as association use it for fun and competitive purposes.

Added to these it has a training centre for interested facilitators on these domains, they are guided on its mission and visions then are given the opportunity to guide the adherents. Through these innovations we lend our hands to Pre nursery, nursery, primary and secondary schools as well as the Universities in the actualisation of “hands on” learning by these pupils and students which we call “Sports, Cultural and Artistic Entrepreneurship” commonly known as the “Talent Ignition, Development and Improvement Program”.

We now own a Foundation the “IFOSE’S FOUNDATION” partners with similar organisations to better discharge these great thoughts of a basketball team that has grown overtime to a worthwhile, world wide full time partner of the advocacy of “actual guidance and the fostering of practical activities in our schools and colleges – dominated by theoretical teachings”.

Presently we have a great team of facilitators made up of 40 (forty) persons of varied ages and professions who assist us in bringing these dreams in schools, colleges and universities. We are a great organization to rely on, many are still to catch up in our implementation system which is unique we serve and not to be served. We are hired to serve and to foster our well tested, guided and properly organized programs in establishments.

The Founder and CEO has over time been having great openings worldwide to study or visit seeing some clear realities that has helped him shaped the program using local realities to meet international standards.

The Volcanic Warriors Sports and Recreational Academy offers “Sports, cultural and artistic guidance in Schools, colleges, Universities”. Carryout workshops, seminars and lessons to educational establishments on their discovery games, ways to foster moto abilities, skills and techniques to children. Assist in the binding, development and better understanding of church groups, circular associations, elderly persons and families through minor games, physical exercises and sports. Train persons to manage workshops. The Volcanic Warriors Sports and Recreational Academy has stood the test of time. In its seemingly quietness and silence, it’s impact to the communities and society is heavy.

Our core values of perseverance, patience, persistence and tolerance has been the motivational and sustainable factor for generations.

Yes the Volcanic Warriors Basketball Academy is still alive; it lives and would forever live.

Volcanic Warriors 4 life

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