Stefano Bizzozi’s visit to Buea, Saturday 21/01/2023.

Coach Stefano Bizzozi and Mr. Ottou Tchougwe arrived at Buea_10:00 am_, we then headed to the Mukunda Palace of the Paramount Ruler of Buea _HRH Dr. Robert Esuka M. Endeley_ a time of constructive exchange. Later went to the playground where over 50 basketball coaches from Buea, Limbe, and Kumba were waiting to gain and improve their skills. He took two hours on some practical demonstrations of some originalities of basketball in the form of drills with the coaches. He later had some basic drills with some 50 senior and junior players, emphasis on simple play using the originality of the game.

He then had a switch to the children between the ages of 2 to 15 years old. Here he gave them some great skills of coordinative abilities, with these prompting the children to work dominantly on observation and touching. He allowed them to use the ball, and equally demonstrated some great sense of response to these skills creating an atmosphere of convenience and continuity, with great excitement, fun and responsibility. It took him by surprise the number of Coaches he met on the ground, players and children. Expressing great joy especially seeing children part of our bigger vision. He promised coming again to Buea on his next trip to Cameroon.

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